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Next Generation
Audio-Visual System

Audio/Visual Project Update 

As we have all witnessed, to date the AV project has been a great success. We have made tremendous progress with the audio in the sanctuary. The acoustical tiles, digital programable speakers, and the new soundboard have made a big difference for all of us. On the video side we have begun to be able to use some of the equipment on a limited basis. The projector and screen have been used by the FH team, and Pastor Chris has used it for her class on the Psalms. We have also used the rear monitor to be able to show the cross that used to be hanging there.


However, we still have much to be completed before we are fully operational. The live streaming equipment still needs to be updated. Microphone jacks need to be installed for the bells and guest musicians. The balance of our video capabilities needs to be completed and there is wiring that needs to be properly positioned.


Despite all the work that remains, I do expect it to be completed by mid-March. Of course, there will be time needed as we learn how to operate all that the systems have to offer. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments please contact me at See the Capital Improvements page for more information and pictures. 

Bob Lowry

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