Ministry Opportunities to Learn, Grow, and Serve
Sunday worship: Special services during the church year
Sunday School: Studies topics from the scriptures and current events
Bible Study: Meets each week to study the scriptures
Book Studies: Read and discuss a book that might inspire, encourage, or challenge us in our life as a follower of Christ
Women of Faith: Meets once a month to learn and grow in their faith
Men of Purpose: Meets the second Saturday for study, prayer & scripture
Youngish Adults: Meets once a month for fellowship and discussion of timely events through the eyes of faith
Special Events: Bring outside voices that connect our faith to the wider world and inform our responses
Dine-around groups
Neighborhood groups
Group studies
Grief support group
Caregiver support group
~ Serve in one of our mission areas As a volunteer ~ ~ As a committee member ~ As a leader ~
To oversee and support all services of worship at LPC, promoting a meaningful and reverent worship experience for all.
Advent Decorating: Set up/take down tree and decorations
Chancel Drama: Participate in short skits or reader’s theater segments
Changing Paraments: During Lent, Easter & Pentecost
Communion Preparation: Prepare, set and clean up elements
Flower Set Up/Watering: Christmas and Easter, set up and care for plants in the church
Liturgist: Participate in worship service
Live Streaming Video Technician: Operate the equipment to live stream
Sound Technician: Operate the soundboard for the service
Ushering: Assist with seating/offering plates for worship service
Memorial Services & Special Worship Svcs: Usher/sound/video as requested for memorial and other special services
To glorify God through music, assist our congregation in offering God joyful praise, provide opportunities for members to expand their music gifts, and provide a place to gather in fellowship and prayer.
Chancel Choir: Rehearse Thursdays 6:30-8 pm and sings on Sundays
Jubilate Ringers: Rehearse Tuesdays 12:30-2 pm and plays monthly
To provide Christian care to members of LPC and those in the community as needed.
Birthday calls: Make phone calls to the congregation
Caring Meals: Make a meal for members of the congregation when needed
Flower Delivery: Rearrange and deliver donated flowers after worship services
Knitting / Crocheting: Make shawls and lap robes at your own pace
Manage Lending Closet: Assist in managing and organizing
Visitation: Personal visits, phone calls, and emails to congregation
To welcome current and new members into the LPC family, instill in them a culture of service within LPC, and help assimilate them into the LPC ministries where they can serve God joyfully and effectively. To engage all members in fellowship activities.
Greeters/Welcome Desk: Provide a friendly welcome and direction to Sunday visitors
Fellowship Events: Help host and plan fellowship events
Hospitality Hour Host: Provide & serve refreshments after Sunday worship
Hospitality Baker: Provide baked goods on an as-need basis for special events
New Member Class: Engage with prospective members and provide refreshments during the class
New Member First Friend: Contact an assigned new member to answer any questions and help engage them into the LPC family
To provide timely and effective communications about the activities of LPC.
Advertising: Create ads for internal and external purposes
Design Flyers: Create flyers to be used for events
Social Media: Develop posts and update
Flyer Distribution: Distribute flyers locally for events
Newsletter Publication: Write articles and assist Church Admin in creating the bi-monthly newsletter
Website Maintenance: Review sections of website and report updates to chair
To determine the needs for the spiritual growth of the entire LPC congregation and visitors; to secure materials, facilitators & sites for all.
Children/Youth Sunday School: Using a supplied curriculum, teach children on Sundays during worship
Adult Ed Class, Small Group, or Book Study: Lead occasionally Sunday School class or Bible study class, facilitate small group, and facilitate book study
Middle/High School Youth Group: Food/snack pick up, assist with Bible study and games
Nursery: Assist with caring for young children during 10:30 worship
Social Witness seeks to understand and apply the principles and character of the Christian faith to important social issues of our day including care for the earth, racial reconciliation, affordable housing, and more; and then educates and advocates for justice in our world.
Community Involvement: Attend town and county council meetings when relevant, engage with local schools
Earth Care: Plan and participate in education and advocacy events
Education and Advocacy on Justice Issues: Research local issues, create programming and educational opportunities on important faith and justice issues, promote letter-writing and calling campaigns
To provide well maintained grounds, buildings, and equipment for use by LPC to honor God in worship and in Christian fellowship.
Interior Cleaning: Monitor and oversee as needed
Lawn & Shrub Maintenance: Monitor and oversee as needed
LPC Grounds Cleanup: Keep clean of leaves and trash
Major Building Maintenance: Obtain bids and oversee completion of larger maintenance projects and/or renovations
Minor Building Maintenance: Minor repairs and painting
To research, recommend and administer all mission programs of LPC both within the local community, the state, the nation and globally.
Backpack Buddies: Packing food bags for Red Cedar Elementary students
Change-Can-Make-A-Change: Organize, and prepare check requests and letters for donations
Family Promise: Provide meals and assist with distribution
Food Collection: Participate in drive-thru food collection and/or delivery
GED Program: Assist Bluffton Self Help, tutoring students in language arts, math, science, or social studies
Habitat for Humanity: Work on new builds annually
Presbyterian Giving Catalog: Organize, coordinate, distribute, and complete the project with donations
Mission Trips: Coordinate and/or participate in mission trips
Tutoring & Reading:Tutoring and reading to children in our Thomas Hall with Neighborhood Outreach Connection (NOC)
Administration:To develop and maintain effective administrative and personnel policies for LPC; to promote an effective staff; to ensure compliance with laws affecting the operation of the church.
Finance: To ensure that all financial proceedings of LPC are handled efficiently and properly.
Financial Background: Prepare monthly financial reports for distribution to session and ministry teams
Insurance: Provide oversight and advice to ministry teams
Office Volunteer: Answer phones, assist Church Administrator
Policies & Procedures: Review and update Manual of Administrative Operations
Safety & Security: Provide oversight and review to ministry teams
Stewardship: Plan and execute annual stewardship campaign