New to the Lowcountry?
Whether a full-time or seasonal resident or a visitor seeking a church home, you are cordially invited to share our worship and get acquainted with us.
Most of our members have relocated to the Bluffton area, attracted by the golf, beaches, and warm weather, and eventually became residents.

What to Wear:
From flip-flops to wingtips,
Be relaxed or dress up - we'll be happy to see you.
Most people are dressed in business casual.

Handicapped parking spots to the left of the sanctuary building
Our building is handicap accessible with a ramp
Avoid the stairs at the front of the sanctuary by using the entrance under the portico
Bathrooms are handicap accessible
Hearing assistance devices are available to use during worship

Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM
Worship includes:
Responsive readings,
The Lord's prayer
Affirming of our faith
Apostles' Creed
Scripture based Sermon

Our bulletin includes:
Instructions for each part of the service
Words for any creeds
Prayers that we will participate in together
You are not asked to stand or raise your hand
We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, also known as Communion, on the first Sunday of each month.

Nursery care is available for children ages 0-4.
Professional Nursery attendant and volunteer helper for all services
Elementary school children from Kindergarten to Grade 5, attend the service until the Children's Moment. Then they can go to Sunday School or the Nursery.

After Sunday service, everyone is invited to get to know each other over coffee and light refreshments.
What else happens on Sundays?
Adult Education classes and special Study sessions start at 9:15 a.m.
Classes are held in a classroom located just off the narthex or in the Parlor of the main church building.
A welcoming and inclusive church with emphasis on traditional worship, active discipleship, wide-ranging mission activities, compassionate outreach and caring for those in need
We continue to grow grow as a church and in faith, seeking together to be the church that Christ is calling us to be
Our services are also available online through our livestream
For 30 years, Lowcountry Presbyterian Church (LPC) has been the spiritual home within the PC (USA) for a congregation of approximately 300 members