Earth Care
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) sponsors a program by which congregations are certified as “Earth Care Congregations.” For this status, the congregation must demonstrate a level of active caring for God’s creation in four areas: Worship, Outreach, Education and Facilities.
Ministry Team
Gretchen Nickel & Jon Nickel, Co-leaders ~ gretchjon@yahoo.com

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) sponsors a program by which congregations are certified as “Earth Care Congregations.” For this status, the congregation must demonstrate a level of active caring for God’s creation in four areas: Worship, Outreach, Education and Facilities.
Each year since 2019, Lowcountry Presbyterian has been awarded Earth Care Congregation status. LPC is one of only a few churches in South Carolina with this certification. To remain certified, we must continue to find new ways of acting responsibly with God’s creation. Each year, we report to the national church about our activities in caring for God’s creation and request continuing status as an Earth Care Congregation.

“We walk so others don’t have to”
Don & Betsy Hamburger--members, family & friends are
welcome to register and join the Team!
WHAT: Join the Bluffton teams and others in Old Town as we
walk about 2 miles - first with empty buckets for half the walk and containing water for the second half. Golf cart rides are available.
WHEN: Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 8:00-11:00 (If you have a conflict with the date, join the Port Royal Walk on September 14)
WHERE: Wright Family Park on the May River in Old Town Bluffton.
WHY: Benefits are 4-fold: Registration fees and donations go to WATER MISSION, a Charlestonbased Christian organization that designs, manufactures and delivers water filtration systems to countries around the world. Enjoy the comradery of your fellow walkers! Get your steps in while enjoying our Old Town! Give thanks to God for clean water! LPC raised over $6K in 2023 with the support of the LPC sponsorship, 34 walker registration fees & donations, Change for Change, and Minute for Mission! Our goal is $10K this year, LPC’s 8th year of participation!