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Membership Ministry

The Membership Ministry supports fellowship by providing worship service greeters, hosting hospitality hour, and providing periodic lunches and dinners for the congregation. We strive to help both visitors and members make connections with each other and to feel like a part of the community and to grow in faith.

Ministry Team:

Elder Dale Wilkes, Chair -
Maureen Kalmbach, Co-Chair -
​Members: Jan Catanese,  Debi Franklin, Nancy Hill, Carol Hissom, Karen Johnson, Sue Ellen Johnson,

Gigi Johnston, Janis Lakin,  Judy Placer, Larry Tremitiere, Ann Warren, Stanlee Way, Susan Zeleznik

The Fall new member session recently concluded.  Classes will be offered again in late winter/early spring.  If you would like more information, please call the office (843) 815-6570.

Our Ministry Supports:

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At each service, volunteers staff the welcome desk and greet members and visitors as they arrive. 

The Membership Committee is currently looking for Sunday Greeters! If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up in the Narthex, click here, or email John Abernethy.

New Members Classes:


Committee members assist with setup, provide refreshments, and connect with attendees.  We assist on the day new members join the church and follow up with them over the first few months of membership to answer questions and assist with assimilation.

Hospitality Hour, Dinners, Fellowship Lunches and Dine Around:


As a way for members to meet and get to know one another in a relaxed atmosphere, we offer hospitality time in the Narthex following each service.  The team hosts a lunch or dinner on a quarterly basis.  Dine around groups are also organized for brunch or dinner for those wishing to participate. Special outings are planned periodically to local theatrical venues.  All these activities support the effort to deepen ties and help form a deeper sense of Community.  

New Members Classes:


Committee members assist with setup, provide refreshments, and connect with attendees.  We assist on the day new members join the church and follow up with them over the first few months of membership to answer questions and assist with assimilation.

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Hospitality Hour, Dinners, Fellowship Lunches and Dine Around:


As a way for members to meet and get to know one another in a relaxed atmosphere, we offer hospitality time in the Narthex following each service.  The team hosts a lunch or dinner on a quarterly basis.  Dine around groups are also organized for brunch or dinner for those wishing to participate. Special outings are planned periodically to local theatrical venues.  All these activities support the effort to deepen ties and help form a deeper sense of Community.  

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