We support local missions and missions beyond. Our support is given through in-person volunteering, financial donations, and use of our church buildings.
Ministry Team
Elder Anne Redlus, Chair ~ anneredlus@gmail.com
Members: Donald Allison, June Allison, Sandy Benninger, Jan Catanese, Sandy Iams,
Craig Johnson, Janit Maguire, Diane Mikkelson, Pam Norley, Debbie Sell, Paul Sell, and Dale Wilkes
We support local missions and missions beyond. Our support is given through in-person volunteering, financial donations, and use of our church buildings.
Organizations that use our buildings are charitable and non-profit. Some examples are AA, Family Promise of Beaufort County, Bluffton Self Help, Hospice Bereavement Group, NAMI, and Neighborhood Outreach Connection (NOC)
We also share our facilities with other congregations and faiths to provide a quality place of worship for all, such as Temple Oseh Shalom and Centro Victoria Church.
We highlight an organization each month to support our “Change-Can-Make-A-Change” program, which accepts financial donations, as well as periodic drives for school supplies, shoes, and clothing.
Our Missions Beyond Ministry has sent mission teams to Louisiana, New Jersey, both North and South Carolina, and Haiti to aid in the disaster recovery efforts following devastating hurricanes and massive flooding.

Blessing Box

Our Blessing Box was blessed on Sunday, May 26th!
The Blessing Box has been placed across from Thomas Hall and stocked with non-perishable food items, basic toiletries, baby supplies, etc that might be considered a blessing to someone who finds themselves in need (accessible 24/7). The philosophy of the Blessing Box is "Take what you need, Leave what you can."

The Mission Ministry Team recommends several agencies that are working on the ground to aid the Ukrainian people.
CARE – Ukraine Crisis Fund - care.org
World Central Kitchen – provides meals to communities in need - wck.org
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - pda.pcusa.org
You can make your donation to any of these Non Profits online or write a check to LPC earmarked Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) and drop it in the offering basket or send your check to the church office.

Food may be dropped off at the Church through the week.
Food items may also be dropped off at Bluffton Self Help on Mondays from 10 am to 2 pm or monetary donations can be made on their website at https://blufftonselfhelp.org.
Food for Agape Family Life Center may be taken to Donald & June Allison at their home at 24 Schooner Lane, Riverbend, 843-707-7671. Food can also be dropped off at Sandy Benninger’s house at 30 Rose Sage Walk, Sun City. Monetary donations can be made on the Agape website at https://agapeflc.org.